Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hungry Eyes: Practicing Portion Control

Growing up, my mom’s major complaint about my brother and me was that we always ordered food with “our eyes.” Meaning, we always ordered huge amounts of food based off of what looked good. My brother’s stomach seemed to never be as hungry as his eyes and he could never finish what he ordered. I, on the other hand, would not only eat everything I ordered but I usually finished what my brother couldn’t. I’d also end up finishing what my mom didn’t eat and I think I ate my dad’s leftovers too. Come to think of it, I don’t think my parents needed to use their garbage disposal until I left for college.

When I went away for college (which was the same time my parents’ had to start using their garbage disposal) I was overweight.  My weight was a mystery to me. I worked out at the school gym every day. I walked everywhere because I was (ironically) too lazy to drive and find parking. I also climbed the three flights of stairs to my dorm room because I was too impatient to wait for the slow elevator. I was active, so why wasn’t I losing weight?

I had the same attitude about portion control (or lack of) that I had as a kid. I didn’t want to hoard leftovers, so I always made sure that I ate all the food off my plate. I didn’t want to appear rude when eating the homemade dinner of a friend, so I asked for seconds. And if I was at a buffet, I needed to make sure to get my money’s worth and eat as much as humanly possible.  Sure, I was strong and could haul thirty pounds of text books a mile across campus (yep, these were the days before iPads). I could climb flights of stairs with little effort and I worked out at the gym every day. However, the numbers on my scale refused to go down because I wasn’t paying attention to how much I was eating.

The answer to my inability to lose weight came down to one simple formula made up of diet and exercise, both necessary components in losing weight. However, diet accounts for 80% of the weight loss and exercise accounts for 20%. When I became serious about losing weight, I stayed active but I stopped visiting the buffet and went to the movies with friends instead of having seconds with them at dinner. I ate the same types of food but in much smaller portions. Here are some simple tips that I have used to help me with portion control:

More smart eyes and less hungry eyes - For a meal, eyeball your food and mentally measure your servings. The recommended serving for raw vegetables is about one cup or the size of your fist. A single serving of meat is about 3 ounces, or about the size of a deck of cards. A single serving of cooked pasta is one cup or about the size of a tennis ball.

Don't eat everything – If you’re like me, you’ve asked yourself the question “Do I really need to eat this?” And if you are really like me, you know you don’t but you gobble it down anyway. Next time, ask yourself this, “What’s going to happen if I don’t eat this?” The answer to that question is that the buffet at Sizzler is going anywhere, so you can put that extra baked potato back. You aren’t going to die of starvation because you ordered the 300 calorie kid sized ice cream instead of the 1,500 calorie extra large order from Cold Stone.  And more than likely, that chocolate candy bar you want to munch on isn’t the last one on Earth. So put that second serving down because it’s not the end of the world if you don’t eat it.

Sharing is Caring – Don’t be shy or, in my case, greedy. Share your meal. Popular restaurants, such as Cheesecake Factory and Elephant Bar, are notorious for serving humongous mountain-sized platters of food (which is equal to a humongous mountain-sized amount of calories). Before you even take the first bite, divide the meal in half and enjoy with your buddy.

Nice effort, but not really what we had in mind in terms of sharing a meal

For more tips on portion control, nutritional advice or exercise tips, visit CalFit Martinez today, Call Ben at (415) 246-5191 for more details.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pump up the bump: Working out while pregnant

Pump up the Bump!

You don’t need to exercise while pregnant! Stay on the couch, put those feet up and eat all the Cheetos, Doritos, and burritos you want. In fact, here are a few good reasons NOT to exercise while pregnant:

1) You like being an emotional wreck. Exercise is known for canceling out those wonderful stress hormones (hormones that are especially heightened during pregnancy). Why exercise when you can cry?
2) You are embracing pregnancies feel good side effects of backaches, water-retention, weight gain and difficulty sleeping. If you work out, you will not only calm your brain down but calm down those side effects. 
3) You aren’t training for a marathon or trying to lose weight. Also, isn’t it dangerous to work out while pregnant? Were you planning on pulling a fire truck while pregnant? If not, most exercises don’t pose a risk to pregnancy. Many expectant moms are cleared by their doctors to try a new form of exercise (as long as that exercise isn’t fire dancing, flying trapeze, and our favorite, fire truck hauling). And no one expects or wants you to lose weight while pregnant. You need to keep that little person with the nine month lease on your uterus well nourished and happy. However, many women tend to gain too much weight (sometimes reaching to obesity levels). Exercise helps keep your weight gain to a healthy amount.
4) You love those cankles, the sexy body part that results from when your calf and ankle become one. Okay, no one really loves a cankle. Exercise is known for keeping those pesky varicose veins and bloated feet and ankles from taking over.
5) You are okay holding onto that baby weight post-pregnancy.  Up till now, my mom loves to point out that she was in no rush to lose the baby weight. In fact, she had a personal timeline of not shedding the weight until the baby was in school. We didn’t know that by “school”, she was actually referring to when my brother left for college.  Studies show that new mamas who worked out consistently during pregnancy fit into their pre-pregnancy jeans quicker than moms who stayed away from exercise. Also, new moms who worked out pregnant had a much easier time sticking to a consistent workout routine after the baby was born.

If you are reading this part of the article, you have caught on to us. We lied. Unless you are ordered by your doctor to stay on bed rest (but bed rest does not mean a Cheetos, Doritos, and burritos buffet), we at CalFit encourage you to exercise and get moving.  Exercise not only sets apart the hot mamas from the mamas but will make you feel good on the inside. An active mom-to-be usually has an easier time in labor, and who wouldn’t want that for herself and her baby? 

Come down to CalFit Martinez and make working out part of your pregnancy experience. If you are too intimidated to work out on your own, sign up for personal training with Ben or Stacey today. Stacey loves new moms because she is one herself. Unfortunately, you can’t shortcut any of your workouts with the excuse, “You don’t know what it’s like to work out while pregnant!” Stacey knows exactly what that’s like because she worked out all throughout her pregnancy.  Obviously, Ben doesn’t know what it’s like to be pregnant but he’s trained plenty of expectant moms, including Stacey, Ben will adjust your workout to your specific needs and his workouts are proven to decrease your stress (for example, why yell at your husband when you can yell at Ben during your training session?). 

For membership inquiries and personal training appointments, contact Ben at CalFit Martinez today at (415) 246-5191.
CalFit's own Stacey: From Knocked Up...

...To Knock Out

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Satisfy that sweet tooth: High protein, low-calorie cookie!

Did you know that February is National Chocolate Month? No, this does not mean we encourage you to eat chocolate twice a day, once a day, or every day. In fact, we usually encourage our members to eat chocolate sparingly. However, we can’t prevent you from recognizing National Chocolate Month.

If you must participate in National Chocolate Month, please stay away from high-fat over indulgent chocolate mousses and heart-shaped chocolates (your stretchy pants and tight shirts will thank you). If you must indulge, we recommend the high protein chocolate chip cookie. This cookie is a favorite of CalFit’s own general manager, Ben (and hey, he always looks good in tight shirts).  Not only will this cookie satisfy the sweet tooth, but it’s only 55 calories and boasts the right amount of protein and carbohydrates, which makes it a great pre-workout snack.

Happy National Chocolate Month!

2 cups whey protein powder (plain or vanilla flavored)
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1.5 cups of whole wheat flour
1.5 cups of cottage cheese (if you don’t have a food processor or electric mixer and are mixing by hand, get the small curd option)
½ cup honey
¼ cup canola oil
1 egg (for even less calories, use 1 serving of egg whites equal to 1 egg)
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup rolled oats or oatmeal
¼ cup of semisweet chocolate chips (we like using the extra small chocolate chips because they distribute further in the batter)
½ cup of chopped walnuts

1.       Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
2.       Mix the protein powder, baking powder, cinnamon (and whole wheat flour if you choose to include it) together
3.       Mix the wet ingredients of cottage cheese, honey, canola oil and vanilla extract in a food processor or with an electric mixer until it’s blended together. If you don’t have a food processor or electric mixer, just blend thoroughly with a fork
4.       Next, mix the dry and wet ingredients together in a bowl
5.       Add the remaining ingredients of the oatmeal, chocolate chips and chopped walnuts to the batter and mix in
6.       Using a teaspoon, distribute evenly on a greased cookie pan and put in oven for 12 minutes

Doesn't that guy work out at CalFit Martinez?
Remember, these cookies are a great pre-workout snack. If you don’t have a workout planned, head down to CalFit today. Contact Ben at (415) 246-5191 for membership inquiries and personal training appointments.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More Love and Less Love Handles

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and love is in the air at CalFit. We believe that couples that work out together, stay together! Here are some reasons why you and your significant other should make a date night at the gym:

1) It’s about quality and not quantity:  Instead of sitting through a movie munching on high calorie popcorn, head to the gym together. Couples that work out together interact more with each other. You’ll reach your fitness goals and feel like you’ve accomplished something with your loved one at the end of your workout.
2) To have and to hold…to motivate and to support:  Who better to push you to work harder, lift heavier and run that extra mile than the one you love? Also, there’s no better motivation than hearing praise from your significant other.
3) Feel more connected to each other: It’s a known fact that the chemicals produced in the brain during a workout (such as endorphins), help us feel happier and less stressed. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be sweaty and in a good mood around my better half rather than peeved and non-sweaty.
4) Make it a threesome (no, not that kind!) – Invest in a personal trainer to guide you through a couples’ workout. Your personal trainer will guide you both through new exercises, teach you correct form, and listen to each of you complain about each other. A personal trainer is like a marriage counselor, but cheaper and with bigger muscles.
5) Show off the goods: Face it, you’re going to look out of place at the restaurant in your spandex yoga pants and matching sports bra. Take those booty shorts and your boyfriend to the gym.

Whoever does less sit ups has to take the garbage out tonight...

Now is the perfect time to schedule that date at the gym. Starting Monday, February 13, celebrate Valentine’s Day by bringing your loved one to boot camp all next week for free! Not only do you not have to pay for your date but he or she can't return your gift of fitness.

Last day to participate in free boot camp is Saturday, 02/19. Call or text Ben for details at (415) 246-5191.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Super Bowl doesn't mean eating super bad foods

To football fans, Super Bowl is practically a holiday. Super Bowl is a chance for friends and family to come together, enjoy the game, enjoy each other, and...enjoy chili cheese fries? Ironically, a sporting event that showcases some of the most physically fit athletes in the world also signifies the second largest day of food consumption (right behind Thanksgiving).

The average calorie intake of a Super Bowl party goer is 1,200 calories (the equivalent of one day's caloric intake for the average woman). These calories most likely come from the 8 million pounds of guacamole eaten on Super Bowl Sunday or perhaps one of the 49 million cases of beer sold that same day.

Don't fret. Super Bowl doesn't necessarily mean super unhealthy foods. Here are some tips to stay eat healthy on Super Bowl Sunday:

  • Avoid a false start with fattening foods. Eat healthy snacks before the celebration, or better yet, take healthy snacks with you to prevent overindulging.
  • Hosting the party? Add healthy snacks to your menu instead of just the high fat foods. Go for the super bowl trophy by serving all healthy snacks.
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apple halves or carrot sticks. There should be a variety in season.
  • Avoid the blind side; many dips and dressings contain far more calories than you think. Limit portions or serve fat-free or low-fat dips and dressings.
  • Offer foods and beverages low in fat, calories, sugars, salt, and sodium.
  • Serve foods and beverages that can be consumed by people with diabetes or on special diets. Water is always a great alternative to sugary and caffeinated drinks.

Remember: Super Bowl is a day to enjoy football, family and friends. The game and good company should take priority over the chili cheese fries, chips, and potato skins. If you do decide to indulge, remember to stick to small portions. Another Super Bowl statistic is that antacid sales for the year peak on the following Monday and that's definitely a statistic you don't want to be a part of.

Hey, I heard this guy eats pretty clean on Super Bowl Sunday